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Driver 54529 for NVIDIA Owing to security concerns, 02 is available for Linux and other platforms

Table of Contents

    NVIDIA today launched four new stable Linux graphics drivers, yes four. 545.29.02 is the bigger one with all the new stuff, but they also launched 535.129.03, 525.147.05 and 470.223.02 due to newly disclosed security issues.

    So it's a good time to make sure you're up to date to stay secure. From their security bulletin released today all drivers prior to 545.29.02, 535.129.03, 525.147.05 and 470.223.02 are vulnerable so be sure to use those versions at a minimum going forward.

    For normal desktop users the problem reported is CVE‑2023‑31022 that notes "NVIDIA GPU Display Driver for Windows and Linux contains a vulnerability in the kernel mode layer, where a NULL-pointer dereference may lead to denial of service". The rest are just Windows issues and for VGPU.

    As for the release notes find them below.


    • Added experimental HDMI 10 bits per component support; enable by loading nvidia-modeset with `hdmi_deepcolor=1`.
    • Added support for the CTM, DEGAMMA_LUT, and GAMMA_LUT DRM-KMS CRTC properties. These are used by features such as the "Night Light" feature in GNOME and the "Night Color" feature in KDE, when they are used as Wayland compositors.
    • Added CERTIFIED-quality support for GeForce and Workstation GPUs to open kernelmodules. Please see the "Open Linux Kernel Modules" chapter in the README for details.
    • Added initial experimental support for runtime D3 (RTD3) power management on Desktop GPUs. Please see the 'PCI-Express Runtime D3 (RTD3) Power Management' chapter in the README for more details.
    • Added support for the EGL_ANDROID_native_fence_sync EGL extension and the VK_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_HANDLE_TYPE_SYNC_FD_BIT and VK_EXTERNAL_FENCE_HANDLE_TYPE_SYNC_FD_BIT Vulkan external handle types when the nvidia-drm kernel module is loaded with the modeset=1 parameter.
    • Added experimental support for framebuffer consoles provided by nvidia-drm. On kernels that implement drm_fbdev_generic_setup and drm_aperture_remove_conflicting_pci_framebuffers, nvidia-drm will install a framebuffer console when loaded with both `modeset=1` and `fbdev=1` kernel module parameters. This will replace the Linux boot console driven by a system framebuffer driver such as efifb or vesafb.
      Note that when an nvidia-drm framebuffer console is enabled, unloading nvidia-drm will cause the screen to turn off.
    • Updated nvidia-installer to allow installing the driver while an existing NVIDIA driver is already loaded.
    • Added support for virtual reality displays, such as the SteamVR platform, on Wayland compositors that support DRM leasing. Support requires xwayland version 22.1.0 and wayland-protocols version 1.22, or later. Tested on sway, minimum version 1.7 with wlroots version 0.15, and also on Kwin, minimum version 5.24.
      Note: Before xwayland 23.2, there is a known issue with HDMI displays where the headset will fail to start a second time after closing SteamVR. This can be worked around by unplugging and replugging in the headset.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented VRR (Variable Refresh Rate) from working with Wayland.
    • Added support to the NVIDIA VDPAU driver for running in Xwayland. Please refer to the "Xwayland support in VDPAU" section of the README for further details.
    • Added libnvidia-gpucomp.so to the driver package. This is a helper library used for GPU shader compilation.
    • Removed libnvidia-vulkan-producer.so from the driver package. This helper library is no longer needed by the Wayland WSI.
    • Fixed a bug that intermittently caused the display to freeze when resuming from suspend on some Ada GPUs.
    • Fixed a bug that could cause monitors to flicker when the performance state changes on Turing GPUs.
    • Added support for HDR signaling via the HDR_OUTPUT_METADATA and Colorspace per-connector DRM properties when nvidia-drm is loaded with the `modeset=1` parameter.
    • Added support for PRIME render offload to Vulkan Wayland WSI.
    • Fixed a bug that could cause modes to fail validation when Option "ModeValidation" "NoExtendedGpuCapabilitiesCheck" is specified in xorg.conf.
    • Fixed a bug which could cause some DisplayPort monitors to flicker.


    • Fixed a bug that could cause modes to fail validation when Option "ModeValidation" "NoExtendedGpuCapabilitiesCheck" is specified in xorg.conf.
    • Fixed a bug that could cause GPU memory utilization to be reported incorrectly for Multi-Instance GPU (MIG) partitions on Grace Hopper systems.
    • Fixed a bug that intermittently caused the display to freeze when resuming from suspend on some Ada GPUs.
    • Fixed a bug which could cause some DisplayPort monitors to flicker.
    • Fixed a bug that could cause monitors to flicker when the performance state changes on Turing GPUs.


    • Fixed a bug which could cause some DisplayPort monitors to flicker.
    • Fixed a bug which prevented DKMS from registering kernel modules.
    • Fixed a bug that could cause monitors to flicker when the performance state changes on Turing GPUs.
    • Fixed a bug which caused incorrect reporting of presentation times when using the VK_NV_present_barrier Vulkan extension.


    • Fixed a bug which caused incorrect reporting of presentation times when using the VK_NV_present_barrier Vulkan extension.

    Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.


    Article information

    Author: Courtney Smith

    Last Updated: 1700183641

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    Name: Courtney Smith

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    Introduction: My name is Courtney Smith, I am a venturesome, variegated, persistent, unreserved, tenacious, risk-taking, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.