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The size comparison between the Tesla Cybertruck and the F-150 Raptor is shown by its breakdown at the supercharger

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    A Tesla Cybertruck couldn’t charge at a Supercharger station in the Mojave desert and had to be towed, but it gave us a half-decent size comparison with Ford F-150 Raptor.

    Tesla currently has a large fleet of Cybertruck prototypes undergoing testing in the wild ahead of the start of deliveries at the end of next month.

    As expected in any vehicle testing program, some of those vehicles break down.

    It has given us opportunities to get a closer look at the electric pickup truck at times, like a first look at Cybertruck’s suspension.

    Now a Cybertruck Owner’s Club member, CHC, spotted a prototype at the Mojave, CA Supercharger and said that the Cybertruck was stuck there:

    Was lucky enough to spot the Cybertruck at the supercharger in Mojave, CA. Just when I pulled up a tow truck arrived. Apparently the truck wouldn’t charge. I spoke briefly to the engineer who was a nice guy and relatively open. He said that he honestly didn’t know the range, as all RCs only display battery percentages, but said something along the lines of “as good as or better than a Model X”. He also said he didn’t know the price, and even suggested that Tesla was still figuring that out.

    I wouldn’t give too much weight to what the Tesla employees are saying because they are instructed not to reveal anything ahead of the delivery event.

    CHC quickly parked his Ford F-150 Raptor next to the vehicle to attempt to do a quick size comparison, which is admittedly not perfect:

    At the higher-end of its configuration, the Cybertruck is expected to compete with performance pickup trucks, like the Raptor.

    We can see that the Raptor is certainly higher, but the Cybertruck’s geometry makes it look certainly wider in the back.

    CHC noted that the Cybertruck “looks bigger in person” and added that he believes its a full-size truck.

    They ended up using rollers to move the truck out of the Supercharger stall since it apparently couldn’t charge:

    The release candidate prototype featured some aero hub cap, which are expected to make it to the production version as Tesla attempts to make the rugged truck as aerodynamic as possible.

    Tesla will hold a delivery event for the Cybertruck on November 30. At the event, the automaker is expected to finally release the final specs and pricing for the electric pickup truck.

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    Author: Crystal Turner

    Last Updated: 1699824482

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    Name: Crystal Turner

    Birthday: 2008-11-24

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    Introduction: My name is Crystal Turner, I am a unwavering, talented, variegated, venturesome, accessible, esteemed, tenacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.