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The alliance between Deloitte and Marqeta aims to accelerate the modernization of payments

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    The strategic alliance will provide joint go-to market offerings and help facilitate new payment experiences for banks, fintechs and payments providers

    , /PRNewswire/ -- Deloitte and Marqeta, the global modern card issuing platform, today announced a strategic alliance to provide innovative payment solutions and accelerate the payment modernization efforts of banks, fintechs, and payments providers.

    The alliance combines the benefits of Deloitte's payments expertise and consulting services, including digital transformation, strategy and operations, and analytics, with Marqeta's API-driven platform, which enables customers to implement seamless and customized payments experiences that meet the needs of today's consumer.

    With the multitude of payment options available today, card providers must bring differentiated value to their customers to remain competitive. Consumers want innovative and secure payment options available in a convenient, expedited, and personalized manner. The alliance between Deloitte and Marqeta is designed to help companies in the payments ecosystem to create scalable, innovative digital payment solutions and experiences designed to increase customer loyalty and drive value.

    "Deloitte is a trusted name in the payments and banking ecosystem, and we're proud to announce this new strategic alliance to help us reach even more innovators," said Simon Khalaf, chief product officer, Marqeta. "By collaborating with Deloitte, we can bring joint go-to-market solutions to life for customers that are seeking to enhance their offerings through payments. Our modern card issuing platform enables our customers to instantly onboard accounts, issue physical and virtual cards and push to digital wallets to allow for immediate spending, while also providing personalized experiences to consumers through our flexible APIs."

    "The future of payments is digital modernization, and we are focused on advising our clients on ways to engage in a strategic, regulated and compliant way," said Zachary Aron, principal, Deloitte Consulting LLP, and U.S. banking and capital markets payments leader. "We believe this alliance with Marqeta will further drive business growth for Deloitte and will help our clients deliver innovative payment experiences to their customers."

    About Marqeta

    Marqeta's modern card issuing platform empowers its customers to create customized and innovative payment cards. Marqeta's platform, powered by open APIs, gives its customers the ability to build more configurable and flexible payment experiences, accelerating product development and democratizing access to card issuing technology. Its modern architecture provides instant access to highly scalable, cloud-based payment infrastructure that enables customers to launch and manage their own card programs, issue cards and authorize and settle transactions. Marqeta is headquartered in Oakland, California and is enabled in 39 countries globally. For more information, visit www.marqeta.com, Twitter and LinkedIn

    About Deloitte

    Deloitte provides industry-leading audit, consulting, tax and advisory services to many of the world's most admired brands, including nearly 90% of the Fortune 500® and more than 7,000 private companies. Our people come together for the greater good and work across the industry sectors that drive and shape today's marketplace — delivering measurable and lasting results that help reinforce public trust in our capital markets, inspire clients to see challenges as opportunities to transform and thrive, and help lead the way toward a stronger economy and a healthier society. Deloitte is proud to be part of the largest global professional services network serving our clients in the markets that are most important to them. Building on more than 175 years of service, our network of member firms spans more than 150 countries and territories. Learn how Deloitte's more than 415,000 people worldwide connect for impact at www.deloitte.com.


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    SOURCE Deloitte


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